Distance Education Division Representatives

Job Description:

  1. Review status report from Distance Education Director (DED) indicating which faculty members need to complete the self-assessment survey and their certification status. (annually; fall semester)
  2. Review division faculty self-assessments and confirm that the course aligns with regular and effective contact and accessibility standards established by the college; review self-assessment survey for any division-specific standards. (annually)
  3. Meet face-to-face with instructors to review self-assessment survey if requested by the instructor. (as needed)
  4. Prepare status report of all faculty members in the division who have completed the self-assessment and make a recommendation regarding recertification. (annually; spring semester)
  5. Deliver status report to the DED and the division dean. (annually; spring semester)
  6. Work with instructors whose courses are not in alignment with college or division standards to bring the course into alignment. (as needed)
  7. Hold workshops for division faculty demonstrating how to create strong self-assessments that clearly highlight the ways that the course aligns with the standards. (as needed)
  8. Work with Distance Education Advisory Committee (DEAC) to develop a rubric to be used by the DED to confirm alignment with college standards for regular and effective contact and accessibility. (Spring 2019 and then as needed)
  9. Keep confidential any information about students viewed in the review of self-assessment surveys. (ongoing)
  10. Serve as a liaison between the DED and the VPI in matters regarding self-assessment surveys and certification/re-certification decisions. (ongoing)
  11. Identify and recommend professional development topics related to online teaching to DEAC, the DED, and the OTC trainers. (ongoing)
  12. Serve on an appeals committee as needed. At the request of an instructor, the appeals committee will review self-assessment surveys determined to be unaligned with college standards. (as needed)